When building a form, each field must be saved to EITHER the Student Record or the Application Record.
Data saved to the Student Record can be categorized as data that does not change regardless of which programs the student applies for. For example demographic fields like first name, last name, gender, date of birth, address etc remain true for all of the students applications and choices thus they should be saved to the Student Record.
Note: Data saved to the student record will carry over to each application as long as the same field name is used. For example: If 1 application form asks for First and Last Name and the field names for these two fields are "fname" and "lname" any application submitted after the initial will pre fill with the name data from the original application as long as the same field names are used.
Data saved to the Application Record can be categorized as data that is application or program specific. For example, a question asking about a student's knowledge of piano or an essay question detailing the student's interest in the IB program are relevant to the school or program they are applying for thus these types of fields should be saved to the Application Record.
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