Running an Archive or Roll Over in Smart Choice will need to occur prior to you accepting any applications for the next school year and when no more applications will be submitted online by parents for the upcoming school year.
How to run an archive or roll over :
1. Click the Settings icon
2. Click the Archive or Roll Over tab
3. Super Admin will need to enter password and click the 'Archive and Clear Applications' button or “Roll Over Application” button (same password used to login with)
4. This will create a new year / table within the Smart Choice database as noted by the school year drop downs throughout the system.
Be mindful that upon archive / roll over, student grades will be incremented by one grade, unless they are marked as retained or promoted in the Students area.
If any application programs are setup to rollover waiting lists, those waiting lists and applications will be carried over to the 2021-2022 school year.
- If any field needs to be cleared on archive/roll over, make sure that the field has Clear on Archive/ Clear on Roll Over enabled
All data from the 2020-2021 school year will remain accessible using the school year drop down at the top right of the screen. This school year drop down will still allow you to access applications and placements for the previous school year, however this will not allow parents to apply online for the archived school year(s).
This school year drop down will still allow you to access applications and placements for the previous school year, however this will not allow parents to apply online for the archived school year(s).
Please be mindful of the following:
- If you are using the SIS Integration feature, you will need to turn off your nightly imports prior to archive, in SETTINGS>>GENERAL.
- If you are using the Enrollment/Re-Enrollment feature, and NOT utilizing SIS on your system, please remember to update all enrollments that are approved to Approved status in the Enrollment module BEFORE roll over in order to have those students be marked as Returning for the next school year.
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