Administrators can receive email notifications as part of the appointment scheduling process. When appointment types are setup, administrators have the ability to enter which administrators they want to receive emails for the specific appointment type. Any email address entered into the "EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS TO" box which can be found in the EDIT screen of the APPOINTMENT TYPE in the SCHEDULING module.
Please be mindful that some systems may have been customized to change this process but by default each system that uses the SCHEDULING feature sends the following emails to administrators automatically based on the details below:
1. NEW APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED BY PARENT - When a parent schedules an appointment as part of the application process, the administrator on file in the APPOINTMENT TYPE will receive an automatic notification noting that an applicant has scheduled a time slot within their appointment type. The email will contain the following text by default:
A new appointment has been scheduled. Appointment details are shown below:
Program: {$program->title}
Student Name: {$student->fname} {$student->lname}
Parent Name: {$parent->fname} {$parent->lname}
Appointment: {$appointment->name}
Date/Time: {$date_formatted}
To confirm this date and time, please login to the system at {APP_URL}/manage/schedule.php
This text can be edited to be personalized for your school or district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>NEW APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED BY PARENT.
2. APPOINTMENT RESCHEDULED BY PARENT - When a parent reschedules an appointment, the administrator on file in the APPOINTMENT TYPE will receive an automatic notification noting that an applicant has rescheduled a time slot within their appointment type. The email will contain the following text by default:
An appointment has been rescheduled. New appointment details are shown below:
Program: {$program->title}
Student Name: {$student->fname} {$student->lname}
Parent Name: {$parent->fname} {$parent->lname}
Appointment: {$appointment->name}
Previous Date/Time: {$previous_date_formatted}
New Date/Time: {$date_formatted}
To confirm this date and time, please login to the system at {APP_URL}/manage/schedule.php
This text can be edited to be personalized for your school or district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>APPOINTMENT RESCHEDULED BY PARENT.
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