In the SETTINGS>>CONTENT AND LETTERS section of the system there are various email content snippets that are available for your review and revision. Below you will find a list of the standard emails in each system and what triggers cause them to go out. Be mindful that each system can have additional customizations or custom emails in addition to these standard emails in place.
Content Snippet Name | Description / Trigger |
Signup Email | Email sent when parent creates their parent account |
Admin Confirmation | Email sent to admin when an application is submitted. Admin's email must be in the "notification email" area in the program setup |
Parent Confirmation | Email sent out to parent when application is submitted. |
Lottery Results Email - Accepted | Email sent out to parents when their student is added to the offered list IF the email lottery results settings are turned on. |
Parent Account Automatically Created | Email sent when a parent account is created by an admin |
Admin Updated Application | Email sent to parent when the application status OR parent notes are upadted by the admin AND the status emails are turn on in SETTINGS>>GENERAL |
Forgot Password Email Recommender | Email sent when recommender notes that they have forgotten their password |
Email Signature | Signature content that shows up at the bottom of all email notifications sent |
Lottery Results Email - Waiting List | Email sent out to parents when their student is added to the waiting list IF the email lottery results settings are turned on. |
New Appointment Scheduled by Parent | Email sent to parent when they have scheduled an appointment through the application scheduling steps. |
Appointment Rescheduled by Parent | Email sent to parent when they have re-scheduled an appointment through the application scheduling steps. |
New Appointment Scheduled by Admin | Email sent to parent when the admin has scheduled an appointment on behalf of the parent from the admin side of the system. |
Appointment Rescheduled by Admin | Email sent to parent when the admin has re-scheduled an appointment on behalf of the parent from the admin side of the system. |
Appointment Confirmed | Email sent to parent when the appointment scheduled has been confirmed by an admin. |
Appointment Removed | Email sent to parent when the appointment scheduled has been removed/deleted by an admin. |
Appointment Attended | Email sent to parent when the appointment scheduled has been marked as attended by an admin. |
Appointment Not Attended | Email sent to parent when the appointment scheduled has been marked as not attended by an admin. |
Lottery Seat Expired | >LOTTERY."}'>Email sent as a confirmation that a student's lottery seat was auto declined by the system due to inactivity by parent within deadline IF lottery email settings are turned on in SETTINGS>>LOTTERY. |
Removed from Waitlist - New Grade Not Offered | This email is sent out in future years IF the wait list is rolled over upon archive. If a students' grade is no longer offered during the roll over. |
Removed from Waitlist - Entry Grade | This email is sent out in future years IF the wait list is rolled over upon archive and a student is in an entry level grade and also retained. It is warning the parent that the entry level grade's waiting list will not be rolled over. |
Admin Updated Enrollment/Registration Email | Email sent to parent when the registration status OR parent notes are updated by the admin AND the status emails are turn on in SETTINGS>>GENERAL |
Admin Enrollment/Registration Confirmation Email | Email sent to admin when an registration is submitted. Admin's email must be in the "notification email" area in the school setup |
Parent Enrollment/Registration Confirmation Email | Email sent out to parent when registration is submitted. |
Lottery Placement Expire Reminder Email | Email sent out as a reminder 1 day prior to the system auto decline due to inactivity based on deadline set IF lottery email settings are turned on in GENERAL>>LOTTERY |
New Recommender Account Automatically Created | Email sent to a recommender when their account has been automatically created by a student requesting a recommendation from them or by an admin manually creating their account. |
Student Information Changed After Submission Email Message | This email is sent out if there are changes to student demographics that render applications no longer eligible. This email goes out upon submission of these changes by the parent. |
Lottery Placement Email - Sent to All Students Placed | Email sent upon lottery run if assigned in the program set up |
Placement Change Email | Email sent when a student's lottery placement changes from waiting to accepted post lottery |
Parent Note Added by Administrator | Email sent when notes have been added to the PARENT NOTES area AND the parent notes email is turned on in SETTINGS>>GENERAL |
Re-Enrollment Complete | Email sent upon submission of an re-enrollment form |
Enrollment Complete | Email sent upon submission of an enrollment form |
Forgot Password Email | Email sent when parent notes that they have forgotten their password |
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