Parents receive an automatic email notification in regards to their lottery placement in a few scenarios noted below.
1. LOTTERY ACCEPTED - When the lottery is run for a specific program and a student is placed on the accepted list, parents will receive an automatic email notification that contains information about their placement. PLEASE NOTE - Parents will only receive this notification if the "EMAIL LOTTERY RESULTS" setting has been checked off in SETTINGS>>LOTTERY tab. The email will contain the following text by default:
The lottery for {$program->title} has been run.
Congratulations! {$student->fname} {$student->lname} has been accepted!
You must respond within {$settings->auto_decline_days} days in order to claim your placement. If you do not respond within {$settings->auto_decline_days} days your application will be automatically declined.
This text can be edited to be personalized for your school or district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>LOTTERY RESULTS EMAIL ACCEPTED.
2. LOTTERY WAIT LISTED - When the lottery is run for a specific program and a student is placed on the wait list, parents will receive an automatic email notification that contains information about their placement. PLEASE NOTE - Parents will only receive this notification if the "EMAIL LOTTERY RESULTS" setting has been checked off in SETTINGS>>LOTTERY tab. The email will contain the following text by default:
The lottery for {$program->title} has been run.
{$student->fname} {$student->lname} is #{$lottery->rank_adjusted} on the waiting list.
You will be notified again if any accepted students decline their seats and {$student->fname} is moved up to the accepted list.
This text can be edited to be personalized for your school or district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>LOTTERY RESULTS EMAIL WAIT LISTED.
IMPORTANT NOTE - If a student is moved from the waiting list to the accepted list they will automatically receive the LOTTERY RESULTS EMAIL ACCEPTED as noted in item 1 above.
3. LOTTERY SEAT EXPIRED - If your school/district has established a deadline for seats to be accepted by, when this date is surpassed, parents who's seats were autodeclined by the system will receive an automatic email notification. The email will contain the following text by default:
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$program->title} has been declined by the system.
Reason for decline: No response within {$settings->auto_decline_days} day window.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
This text can be edited to be personalized for your district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>LOTTERY SEAT EXPIRED.
IMPORTANT NOTE - The "LOTTERY SEAT EXPIRED" email will only go out to students who had received an original "LOTTERY RESULTS EMAIL ACCEPTED."
4. LOTTERY SEAT EXPIRED REMINDER - If your school/district has established a deadline for seats to be accepted by, 1 day prior to when this date is surpassed, parents who's seats are in danger of being autodeclined by the system will receive an automatic email notification. The email will contain the following text by default:
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$application->program->title} will be automatically declined by the system tomorrow. If you still are interested in {$student->fname} attending this program, please login to your dashboard and accept this placement before {$decline_date}.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest,
IMPORTANT NOTE - The "LOTTERY SEAT EXPIRED REMINDER" email will only go out to students who had received an original "LOTTERY RESULTS EMAIL ACCEPTED."
5. LOTTERY PLACEMENT ACCEPTED - PARENT NOTIFICATION - If your school/district is allowing for seats to be accepted or declined, parents will receive this notification when their offered seat is accepted by either a parent or admin.
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$program->title} has been accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest,
6. LOTTERY PLACEMENT DECLINED - PARENT NOTIFICATION - If your school/district is allowing for seats to be accepted or declined, parents will receive this notification when their offered seat is declined by either a parent or admin.
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$program->title} has been declined.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest,
7. LOTTERY PLACEMENT EXPIRED - NO ENROLLMENT - If your school/district is using enrollment and has established a deadline for when students must submit an enrollment for their offered school, this notification will go out when that date has been surpassed, letting the parent know that due to inactivity on submitting their post lottery enrollment form, their lottery offered seat has been revoked.
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$application->program->title} has been declined by the system.
Reason for decline: No response within {$application->program->annual->auto_decline_enroll_days} day {TERM_ENROLLMENT_REGISTRATION} window.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest,
8. LOTTERY PLACEMENT EXPIRED - NO ENROLLMENT REMINDER - If your school/district is using enrollment and has established a deadline for when students must submit an enrollment for their offered school, this notification will go out 1 day prior to when that date has been surpassed, letting the parent know that their lottery offered seat is in danger of being revoked due to their inactivity on submitting their post lottery enrollment form.
Your placement for {$student->fname} {$student->lname} at {$application->program->title} will be automatically declined by the system tomorrow. If you still are interested in {$student->fname} attending this program, please login to your dashboard and complete {TERM_ENROLLMENT_REGISTRATION} forms before {$decline_date}.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest,
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