Administrators that want to receive email notifications each time a student submits an application to their program can add their email address to the "NOTIFICATION EMAIL" box in the Program Setup page of a specific program in the system. When an application is submitted the system will send an automatic email notification to the email(s) in this "NOTIFICATION EMAIL" box at the time of submission.
The email will contain the following text by default:
Application Notification
Attn: {$program->title}
From: {$student->lname}, {$student->fname} ({$student->currentschool})
Date: {$current_date}
An application to the {$program->title} has been
submitted from the online application for the coming year. To view the
information for the applicant, please click on the following link.
Click below to access the management system.
This text can be edited to be personalized for your school or district by going to SETTINGS>>CONTENT & LETTERS>>ADMIN CONFIRMATION EMAIL.
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