The standard application process allows for applications to be grouped into 2 groups of status options. The status of the actual application based on actions taken by the parent and or administrator.
The first status option group details out if the application has been submitted or not by a parent or an administrator.
- Submitted – Submitted by the parent or administrator, aka completed.
- Not Submitted – Started and saved by the Parent or administrator but not yet complete, aka incomplete.
- Withdrawn - Application has been withdrawn by the parent or an administrator and will no longer be considered with other applications. If withdrawn, the status cannot be changed, the parent must resubmit the application.
The second status option group details out how the application has been processed in preparation for the lottery.
- Eligible – This application is eligible to be run through the lottery.
- Ineligible– This application is not eligible to be run through the lottery.
- In Processing – New and has not been reviewed by administrators or marked as eligible or ineligible.
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