Below you will find a breakdown of administrative users found in the User Management module of the Smart Choice System. These permissions can be granted to user groups when adding new users and groups to the system.
ADD APPLICATIONS - Allows an admin to manually add applications to the system
CHANGE STUDENT SIS IDs - Allows an admin to edit a student's SIS (Student Information System) ID. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
DELETE APPLICATIONS - Allows an admin to delete applications from the system. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
EDIT APPLICATIONS - Allows an admin to edit applications in the application management module
UPDATE DELIVERABLES - Allows an admin to update a student's deliverables in the application edit screen
UPDATE PRIORITIES - Allows an admin to update a student's priorities in the application edit screen
VIEW APPLICATIONS - Allows an admin to view an application in the application management module, but does not allow them to edit the information
VIEW DELIVERABLES - Allows an admin to view a student's deliverables, but does not allow them to edit/delete deliverables
BULK LOTTERY PLACEMENT - Allows an admin to place students on the lottery in bulk
BULK UPDATE DELIVERABLES - Allows an admin to update student deliverables in bulk
BULK UPDATE PRIORITIES - Allows an admin to update/set student priorities in bulk
SEND BULK EMAILS - Allows an admin to send emails to parents in bulk
FULL ACCESS - Allows an admin to have full access to upload documents to the documents area
DISMISS FLAGS - Allows an admin to dismiss flags for a student's application upon verification
DELETE LOTTERIES - Allows an admin to delete lottery runs. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
DELETE LOTTERY PLACEMENTS - Allows an admin to delete a student's lottery placement. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
MANAGE CUTOFF NUMBERS - Allows an admin to edit cutoff numbers for lottery runs
MANUAL LOTTERY ADDITION - Allows an admin to manually add students to a lottery list
RUN LOTTERIES - Allows an admin to run a lottery
UPDATE WAITING LISTS - Allows an admin to update a waiting list
VIEW MOVEMENT HISTORY - Allows an admin to view a student's lottery movement history
VIEW OFFERED LISTS - Allows an admin to view offered placements on a lottery list
VIEW WAITING LIST - Allows an admin to view a lottery waiting list
CREATE CUSTOM REPORTS - Allows an admin to create customized reports
CREATE GLOBAL REPORTS - Allows an admin to create reports used in the system globally
VIEW REPORTS - Allows an admin to run and view reports
ADDRESSES - Allows an admin to change school addresses
CONTENT & LETTERS - Allows an admin to edit content found on the site & communication that goes out to parents
CUSTOM DATA - Allows an admin to edit custom data sources
GENERAL - Allows an admin to change general system settings (contact information; parent settings; notifications; etc)
LANGUAGE - Allows an admin to select what languages are available for google translate
LOTTERY - Allows an admin to change lottery settings for notifications, accept/decline placement, and lottery execution. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
MANAGE FORMS - Allows an admin to make edits to and create application/enrollment forms
MANAGE THEME - Allows an admin to change the site colors, logos, headers, and other template settings
PAYMENTS - Allows an admin to change settings for payments (application fee amount, payment gateway settings, accepted cards, etc.)
ROLL OVER - Allows an admin to roll over and archive the system to the new school year
SCHOOLS/PROGRAMS - Allows an admin to update settings and information for schools and programs
IMPORT STUDENTS - Allows an admin to import students and their applications to the system
DELETE ACCOUNTS - Allows an admin to delete user accounts. This is a highly sensitive permission and should only be given to the highest level administrators.
EDIT ADMINISTRATORS - Allows an admin to edit administrator permissions and settings (name, email, phone, password, etc.)
EDIT GROUPS - Allows an admin to edit user groups
EDIT PARENTS - Allows an admin to edit parent accounts and information (name, email, phone, password, etc.)
EDIT RECOMMENDERS - Allows an admin to edit recommender accounts and information (name, email, phone, etc.)
LOGIN AS ADMINISTRATORS - Allows an admin to login as an administrator to view the system with their permissions
LOGIN AS PARENTS - Allows an admin to login as the parent to view that parent's dashboard and students
LOGIN AS RECOMMENDERS - Allows an admin to login as recommenders to view that recommenders recommendation requests
VIEW ADMINISTRATORS - Allows an admin to view administrators but not edit them
VIEW LOGIN REPORTS - Allows an admin
VIEW PARENTS - Allows an admin to view parent accounts but not edit them
VIEW RECOMMENDERS - Allows an admin to view recommender accounts but not edit them
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